ABA Online for a pdf version of the latest online course schedule.
ABA’s extensive suite of online training delivers unmatched content in an interactive, digital format that responds to the industry’s changing demographics. Flexible and cost-effective, online training offers high-quality and engaging learning experiences that leverage ABA’s broad network of experts.
Facilitated courses are available in a “virtual classroom,” complete with fellow students, instructor guidance and feedback. Self-paced courses are independent study and include real-life practice scenarios.
Schedule & Registration
- The most popular courses are listed on the IBA calendar of events.
- Register for any ABA Online Course using our online registration form.
Benefits to You...
A powerful learning experience
- Current and authoritative textbooks and readings
- Experienced online instructors with banking expertise
- Exercises and exams to test your learning
- All the value of a classroom on your schedule.
Courses you need when you want them
- From courses like Banking Fundamentals at the start of your career, to high-level courses for senior executives, like Analyzing Bank Performance
- More than 25 individual online courses in all
- Topics include banking basics, lending, retail banking, accounting, trust, bank management, marketing and sales, and more
- Set your schedule each week — no need to be online at a certain date or time
- Unique sessions of many courses available just for your bank.
Attention from your instructor, interaction with your peers
- All courses facilitated by an instructor who provides feedback on assignments and is available to answer your questions
- Peer interaction and discussion are an integral part of the class and maximize the learning experience
- Instructors are banking or training professionals in the industry
- The class size provides the opportunity for as much attention as you need.
Top-quality, up-to-date curriculum
- Content developed with an insider's perspective — by bankers, for bankers
- Curriculum updated as needed for accuracy and relevance to the dynamic financial services industry
- High completion rates and student satisfaction.
Certificates, ICB certification and college credit
- Courses may apply to more than one ABA Certificate, allowing more rapid attainment of credentials and career progress
- Courses may count toward ABA Professional Certification — formerly the Institute of Certified Bankers (ICB) — one of financial services' most highly respected and valued credentials
- Many courses have been reviewed by the American Council on Education (ACE) for college credit
- Courses may contribute toward professional licensing requirements
Questions? Contact Chris Bennett at 317-387-9380.