Following are financial education resources. For more information, please contact Josh Myers, 317-333-7165.
American Bankers Association offers several consumer resources, including Get Smart About Credit and Teach Children to Save.
Independent Community Bankers of America offers Practical Money Skills through a partnership with Visa.
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants presents financial literacy opportunities for all age groups.
America Saves gives savings tips, tools and motivational resources.
FDIC Consumer Resource Center provides financial education and resources for all ages.
Federal Reserve offers games, publications and other resources.
Federal Trade Commission presents a variety of consumer education materials.
Indiana MoneyWise is a financial education program operated by the Indiana Secretary of State that provides interactive learning tools and resources.
Jump$tart Coalition is a clearinghouse of consumer education materials.
Junior Achievement provides a wide range of K-12 programming. is the official federal government site for financial literacy and education.
OCC Financial Literacy Resource Directory offers resources to bankers, organizations and consumers.
Reality Check, an interactive calculator presented by the Jump$tart Coalition, gives a general financial future snapshot.
U.S. Mint provides financial literacy resources for children and educators.
Last updated 1/23/25