Advocacy News

E-News 5-12-23 FEDERAL GOVERNMENT RELATIONS FDIC Announces Details of Deposit Insurance Special Assessment The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. board Thursday voted 3-2 to propose a special assessment to make up for losses to the Deposit Insurance Fund caused by regulators’ decision to declare a systemic risk exception in the failures of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank. Starting the first quarter of 2024, the FDIC would impose a special assessment on the excess of an independent bank’s estimated uninsured deposits in excess of $5 billion as of last December, or the same for bank holding...


E-News 5-5-23 STATE GOVERNMENT RELATIONS Holcomb Signs 159 Bills Gov. Eric J. Holcomb has signed 159 bills into law since Monday, bringing this session’s total of signed bills to 252. Among the bills signed by Holcomb is SEA 1, also referred to as the Behavioral Health Matters bill, which establishes a statewide crisis response system to support Hoosiers going through a mental health or substance abuse crisis. Also signed was the state Biennial Budget, HEA 1001, which Holcomb said he would "gladly sign." "[It's] not just your average, ordinary, typical, two-year budget," he told reporters at a press...


E-News 4-28-23 STATE GOVERNMENT RELATIONS Indiana General Assembly Concludes 2023 Session Lawmakers worked late into the evening Thursday night to conclude all legislative business for the 2023 session. Lawmakers had up until April 29 to finish their legislative work, but were able finish two days early. Last-minute negotiations on several key bills, including the state budget, went into the late hours of the evening, with these bills being the last to be finalized before the official conclusion of session. Many of the bills passed this last week must still receive the governor’s signature to become...


E-News 4-21-23 STATE GOVERNMENT RELATIONS Indiana Revenue Forecast Exceeds Projections as Recession Fears Wane State lawmakers will have $1.5 billion more to work with than expected in the state’s 2023-2025 budget, according to revenue figures released on Wednesday. It's unclear whether that money will be used for public health, expanding Indiana's school voucher program, or some other priority of the Republican supermajority. Holcomb Signs 79 Bills Into Law Thursday Gov. Eric Holcomb signed 79 bills on Thursday, bringing this legislative session’s total to 93 bills signed into law....

