Advocacy News

E-News 7-1-22 STATE GOVERNMENT RELATIONS Special Session to Start July 25 Indiana lawmakers report they have consulted with Gov. Eric Holcomb regarding the convening date of the upcoming special session, initially scheduled for July 6. Accordingly, the special session to address abortion issues and taxpayer refunds has been pushed to July 25. Register for 2022 IBA Regional Meetings The IBA is once again hosting a series of regional meetings around the state to facilitate grassroots communication between the bankers we serve and the legislators who serve our state. The meetings will include an...


E-News 6-24-22 STATE GOVERNMENT RELATIONS Holcomb Calls Special Session  Gov. Eric Holcomb on Wednesday signed a proclamation calling a special session for the General Assembly to convene on July 6, 2022, to take action on his plan to return more than $1 billion of state reserves to Hoosier taxpayers. Taxpayers are expected to receive approximately $225 each, which would be in addition to the $125 distributed in the spring under the state’s automatic taxpayer refund law. Indiana Grain Buyers and Warehouse Licensing and Bonding Law Updates In 2021, Gov. Eric Holcomb signed into law House...


E-News 6-17-22 STATE GOVERNMENT RELATIONS Register for 2022 IBA Regional Meetings The IBA is once again hosting a series of regional meetings around the state to facilitate grassroots communication between the bankers we serve and the legislators who serve our state. The meetings will include an hour-long update on the IBA, including legislative information and advocacy opportunities. Following the update, local legislators from the Indiana General Assembly will meet for lunch with bankers from the community. Five regional meetings remain, each beginning at 11:00 a.m. local time. Below are the dates,...


E-News 6-10-22 STATE GOVERNMENT RELATIONS Holcomb Announces Inflation Relief Plan On Thursday Gov. Eric Holcomb announced a plan to return $1 billion to Indiana taxpayers from current state reserves amid high inflation. Under the plan, each taxpayer would receive roughly $225 in addition to the $125 each taxpayer has already received through the automatic taxpayer refund statute. In order to facilitate this plan, the governor plans to call lawmakers back to Indianapolis for a special session. The special session is expected to occur by the end of June.   Register for 2022 IBA Regional...

