Advocacy News

E-News 2-11-22 STATE GOVERNMENT RELATIONS Senate and House Republicans Far Apart on Key Issues The second half of the 2022 Indiana General Assembly begins Monday, setting off a five-week sprint to the legislature's statutory March 14 adjournment deadline. The two chambers’ supermajorities are currently split on a range of controversial topics, from vaccination mandates to education issues. Senate Bill 370 - Community Infrastructure Improvement Districts Author: Sen. Brian Buchanan (R-District 7) Bill summary: Creates a procedure to establish a community infrastructure improvement...


E-News 2-4-22 STATE GOVERNMENT RELATIONS Halftime at the Statehouse Indiana lawmakers have officially reached the halfway point at the Indiana General Assembly. Of the 870 bills and joint resolutions authored at the start of the legislative session, 266 have crossed over to the other chamber and remain “alive” for consideration in the second half of session. Respectively, the House passed 24% of the bills brought forth, while the Senate passed 38%. The second half of the legislative session is poised to see more bills remain stagnant as both chambers have been publicly at odds on some prominent...


E-News 1-28-22 STATE GOVERNMENT RELATIONS Indiana Senate Backs Narrow Bill to End Health Emergency The Indiana Senate has approved a bill taking administrative steps that Gov. Eric Holcomb has said are needed to end the statewide COVID-19 public health emergency. Senators voted 34-11 in favor of the bill Thursday.  Indiana Jobless Rate at Historic Low According to the Indiana Department of Workforce Development, Indiana's unemployment rate fell from 3.0% in November to 2.7% in December—the lowest rate since 1976. Bill Would Tighten Limits on Indiana Mail-in Voting Democrats are...


E-News 1-21-22 STATE GOVERNMENT RELATIONS House Bill 1409 - Government Contracts Author: Rep. Jake Teshka (R-District 7) Bill Summary: Government contracts. Provides that a governmental body may not enter into a contract with a person for the purchase of supplies or services unless the contract contains a written verification from the person that the person: (1) does not have a practice, policy, guidance, or directive that discriminates against a firearm entity or a firearm trade association; and (2) will not discriminate during the term of the contract against a firearm entity or a firearm...

