Advocacy News

E-News 12-10-21 STATE GOVERNMENT RELATIONS House Committee to Hear Bill Regarding Employer Vaccine Mandates Late last week, House lawmakers announced a rare committee meeting to convene this month to hear HB 1001. The House Employment, Labor and Pensions Committee is scheduled to meet on Dec. 16 to discuss the provisions of the introduced bill. HB 1001 includes language needed to allow federal funding for COVID-19 assistance to continue in the absence of a governor’s public health emergency executive order. The bill also contains controversial language placing new requirements on employers that mandate...


E-News 12-3-21 STATE GOVERNMENT RELATIONS Holcomb Extends Health Emergency, Special Session Canceled On the eve of the Thanksgiving holiday, Indiana's Republican legislative leaders pulled the plug on a General Assembly session planned for Monday that was billed as an "end to the pandemic," with legislation that would have ended the state public health emergency and limited employer vaccine mandates. Instead, lawmakers will address this topic when they return for session in January. In light of the delayed legislation, Gov. Holcomb announced Wednesday that he will extend the state public health...


E-News 11-24-21 STATE GOVERNMENT RELATIONS Lawmakers Meet to Discuss Pandemic-Focused Bill In a rare move, both the House and Senate rules committees met on Tuesday to debate Preliminary Draft 3651. The legislative draft addressed two main issues: enacting changes needed for federal funding and vaccinations for children 5 to 11 and new requirements on employers that elect to mandate the vaccine as a condition of employment. The legislative changes regarding securing continued federal funding and vaccinations for children would be needed in anticipation of the governor ending the long-standing public...


E-News 11-19-21 STATE GOVERNMENT RELATIONS Lawmakers Convene for Organization Day The General Assembly gaveled back into session on Tuesday for the traditional end-of-year one-day session called Organization Day. This once-a-year session day is used to announce important details for the upcoming session regarding calendar and structure. Notably, it was announced that the General Assembly may need to convene later in December to pass legislation needed for the governor to end the public health emergency.       FEDERAL GOVERNMENT RELATIONS Action Alert: Urge Lawmakers to...

