Advocacy News

IBA E-News 2-19-21 STATE GOVERNMENT RELATIONS Governor Signs Two Major Bills Into Law Yesterday Gov. Eric Holcomb signed into law two major pieces of legislation, reflecting an unusually fast pace this early in session. Both are of strong interest to the banking industry. HEA 1056: A fix to 2020 SEA 340. This bill was a key priority to the IBA for the 2021 session. The legislation “fixes” or undoes the second-witness requirement to record instruments that arose from the interpretation of language change from “or” to “and” in SEA 340 from the 2020 session. SEA 340 had created significant disruption in...


IBA E-News 2-12-21 STATE GOVERNMENT RELATIONS Indiana Legislative Session Continues As the 2021 legislative session proceeds, the IBA Government Relations Team continues to represent industry views on banking-related legislation, including the following bills of importance. House Bill 1377 – Bureau of Motor Vehicles Author: Rep. Peggy Mayfield (R).  Read more   House Bill 1180 – Public Retirement Fund Investments Author: Rep. Alan Morrison (R).  Read more Senate Bill 364 – Grain Indemnity Fund Author: Sen. Travis Holdman (R).  Read more Senate...


IBA E-News 2-5-21 STATE GOVERNMENT RELATIONS Legislative Committee Work Presses On With the first week of February coming to an end, committees have little more than one week remaining to conclude their work hearing bills introduced in their chambers of origin. Any House bills to pass this session must first pass their committees of origin, and the same for Senate bills in Senate committees. With that deadline looming, the next week and a half will be critical for policy discussions. Indiana’s biennial budget still needs to pass out of the House Committee on Ways and Means and will garner much attention...


IBA E-News 1-29-21 STATE GOVERNMENT RELATIONS Lawmakers Back in Session After Pause The Indiana General Assembly was back to work after proactively halting all work last week due anticipated protests at state capitols around the country. All committee work originally scheduled for last week was pushed into this week. Lawmakers now have just under three weeks to hold initial hearings and move bills out of committee. All the bill lists have been released, bringing a total of bills filed this year to 1,025. This number is less than in previous long sessions. The IBA Government Relation Teams continues to...

