Convention Sessions & Speakers

IBA Annual Convention






The 2024 Elections and Beyond
Jeff Bush, The Washington Update

In his Washington Update, Jeff Bush delivers a nonpartisan, comprehensive review of Washington, D.C. legislation and regulation affecting investors, financial advisors, and business leaders built on his 30+ years of experience in the financial services and political analysis industries. In his unique and entertaining style, Jeff breaks down the upcoming 2024 elections, analyzing potential outcomes and ramifications for the U.S. economy, and providing insights and strategies for businesses to prepare and thrive amidst the evolving political and economic landscape.

Leadership Lessons Learned Through the FBI
John Iannarelli, FBI John
Through captivating storytelling of FBI investigations, John shares invaluable lessons that are highly relevant to today’s business world. He reveals inside stories from high-profile cases such as 9/11, the shooting of Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, and the Enron collapse, along with insights from other investigations never before discussed outside the FBI. This presentation promises to be both informative and entertaining, offering unique perspectives on leadership and ethics. Key takeaways include: identifying the skills necessary for effective leadership and ethical decision-making, learning how to lead by example, and leveraging the skills of your employees to ensure collective success.

Industry Leader Sessions

John Asbury, Chair Elect, American Bankers Association
CEO, Atlantic Union Bankshares Corporation, Richmond VA

Lucas White, Chairman, Independent Community Bankers of America
President, The Fountain Trust Company, Covington, IN

General Sessions

Creating a Culture That Attracts Top Talent
Mika Moser, At C-Level
Today's leading professionals are looking for companies that align with their values, and career goals and provide clear pathways to leadership. This topic dives into building a culture of inclusion that attracts and retains diverse talent in your bank. Since culture starts from the top, we would explore what this means for the board and C-suite executives and what they can do to win the war on top talent.

Protecting Your Voice from AI Cloning
Michael Hartke, infotex, Inc.
How do your employees know that is actually you that made that call to action? In the age of increasingly widespread adoption of AI (and the risks associated), how would your institution handle a call from you, that wasn't actually you, and what kind of damage could be done? In this talk we will discuss the emerging threat of voice cloning and what sorts of controls can be put in place to mitigate.

Strategic Capital Raising: Essential Considerations and Expert Insights for Boards
John Tanselle, Amundsen Davis
When planning a capital raise, a board must consider various factors to support liquidity, loan growth, stock redemptions, dividends, acquisitions, and other opportunities. This session will cover the different types of capital offerings, target groups, necessary steps, and recommendations for the types of experts needed to ensure a successful capital raise.

Protecting Your Bank in the Digital Age
Chris Bedel, CISM, Bedel Security & John Iannarelli, FBI John
Join us for an insightful fireside chat between two cybersecurity experts as they delve into the evolving landscape of cybercrime. Discover why cyber thieves now prefer stealing from behind a computer screen rather than robbing a bank in person. The conversation will explore how sensitive personal information of employees and customers has become a prime target for cybercriminals, and how remote work technologies have opened new avenues for digital theft and business disruption. Learn why millions fall victim to cybercrime each year and gain valuable insights on protecting your organization from these modern threats.

Transforming Community Banking: A Conversation on Digital Innovation
This session will be part history lesson and part roadmap, offering valuable insights and strategies for banks aiming to achieve transformation success as we chat with community bank CEOs at the forefront of digital transformation and fintech partnerships to learn about their process and journey. The conversation will cover developing a digital transformation journey and timeline, creating a transformative culture, designing and recruiting a high-impact team, leveraging your bank’s data as a strategic guide, and exploring future opportunities in digital branches and embedded finance.

Navigating the Economic Landscape
Dr. Matt Will, University of Indianapolis
Join us for an insightful session on the current economic landscape and what lies ahead. We will focus on key economic indicators, discuss the potential for a recession, and explore how ongoing market trends might impact the banking industry. With a focus on interest rates, inflation, and consumer behavior, this session will provide valuable perspectives to help you strategize and adapt in an ever-changing economic environment. Gain the knowledge you need to steer your organization toward growth and stability in the coming year.