Jun 27, 2025
The Chief Operations Officer Forum will provide a platform and opportunity for COOs to exchange ideas freely, dissect problems and discuss important issues with peers. You do not want to miss this opportunity! COOs and other senior-level operations managers are the primary audience for this forum. Peer-to-peer sessions have proven very successful for IBA membership focus groups such as the CFO Forums, Human Resources Director Forum, Senior Leader Forums and Senior Retail Banking Forum.
“I have found networking with my COO peers has been valuable to me. Our groups share between session has been very valuable as well!” - Melissa Fisher, SVP/ Chief Operations Officer, Home Bank
“As a COO that is still fairly new in this role, the topics discussed at each meeting and the peer exchange has been invaluable to me.” - Maureen Prentice, EVP/Chief Operating Officer, Logansport Savings Bank
Session I: February 21, 2025
Session II: June 27, 2025
Session III: October 10, 2025
8:30 a.m. Registration and Continental Breakfast
9:00 a.m. Program Begins
12:00 p.m. Lunch
3:00 p.m. Program Adjourns
Benefits of the Forum…
• Improve your effectiveness as Chief Operations Officer
• Discuss current industry challenges with others in bank operations
• Form lasting relationships with other operations colleagues
• Solve your most pressing problems
• Grow professionally as well as personally
• Discuss with peers what works and what doesn’t
Possible Forum Topics
• Improving efficiency and automation in the operation
• Managing the “front end” vs “backroom” mentality and culture
• Service Level Agreements with other departments
• Capacity planning for growth
• Getting the most out of your systems
• Digitally transforming the back office
• Structuring the Back Office for efficiency
• Leveraging your digital banking vendor to automate workflow
• Digital Account Opening workflow best practices
• Software and tools to help manage your business
Facilitator: Tom McGill, Director of Customer Experience, Profit Resources Inc.
Using his more than 35 years of banking experience, Tom is a retail banking expert with a track record of solving problems and achieving measurable objectives. He is successful at integrating seemingly disparate functions and personalities through collaboration and consensus building across a variety of professional disciplines. His expertise in electronic banking, payment systems, debit and credit cards, product development, customer experience, marketing, and conversions make him a valuable asset to many projects with financial institutions.
How the Forum Works…
• IBA will organize the forum based on bank size and market to ensure that participants have as much in common as possible
• The group will be small, about 15 –20 participants.
• The Forum will meet three times during the year
• Eight to 10 topics will be discussed at each session; participants are strongly encouraged to suggest agenda topics of interest
• Forum participants get the benefit of networking and making brief queries within their group between meetings
• Comprehensive handout compiled and provided to each group member, along with a binder for retention of handouts, notes and references
The following fees include three consecutive sessions to the forum and the program materials.
IBA member - $1200 per person
Participation in this IBA Forum is limited to IBA member financial institutions, and nonmembers financial institutions from an eligible membership category at applicable member or non-member rates.
IBA Center for Professional Development
8425 Woodfield Crossing Blvd., Suite 155E
Indianapolis, IN 46240
Laurie Rees, Vice President - Education & Training
Due to our commitments, the price is inclusive of all three sessions. A full refund for the 3-session forum will be given for cancellations received prior to the first session. Any registrant who does not cancel before the first session will be billed the full registration fee and sent the materials. Substitutions are welcome at no additional charge. It is the registrants responsibility to find a substitute if unable to make a session.