Apr 24, 2025
In association with Performance Solutions, Inc., Drexler Consulting, LLC is excited to again present one of our legacy programs, the Essentials of Banking, new and improved for 2025. Essentials of Banking is a Six-part, interactive, virtual learning series designed to provide a complete overview of banking principles and operations. Each session is 3 hours in length.
8:45am - Log in and Registration
9:00am - Program Begins
12:00pm - Program Adjourns
All times in ET.
Christie Drexler is the Owner of Drexler Consulting, LLC, a financial services consulting and training business focused on developing purpose-driven, competent, servant leaders in all roles of banking. In association with Performance Solutions, Inc. and Dianne Barton, Christie has offered training and consulting services through Drexler Consulting, LLC, for the past five years.
In addition, Christie has 26 years of direct experience in the financial services industry, working for both community and large regional banks. Her experience has been expansive to include successfully navigating retail and commercial banking careers. She has served as Division President, Market President, Chief Credit Officer, Chief Retail Officer, and Regional Sales & Services Manager. Christie has a B.S. in Finance from Berry College and an MBA from Georgia College and State University. She is a passionate facilitator and coach who strives to live the values and leadership strategies she teachers in her training programs.
Who Should Attend
New bank employees in all roles/departments and bank directors new to banking, management trainees, and bank veterans who are looking to broaden their banking knowledge.
Attendees are required to
For the best training experience and learning results, attendees are highly encouraged to have their video cameras on during training.
To receive a full overview of banking, it is recommended that participants attend all six sessions of the series, beginning with session I. However, one session is not a prerequisite for another. Each session may be attended as a stand-alone class.
All Members: $350
All Non-members: $700
Participation in IBA programs is limited to members, associate members, and nonmembers from an eligible membership category at applicable member or non-member rates. Surcharge of 100% for Non-Members.
Virtual Training
Participants will have the ability to join from wherever you're located from the convenience of your computer. All six sessions of this course will be run via Zoom technology. We look forward to seeing you online!
You will receive your manual 4-5 days in advance should you want to print this to have during training. At this time, you will also receive log in instructions. This is a completely LIVE virtual training where you will be able to ask questions directly to the speaker.
Laurie Rees, Vice President - Education & Training
Elizabeth DeHaven - Education Manager
The IBA will send confirmations at registration. If you have questions, contact Elizabeth DeHaven via email at edehaven@indiana.bank or at 317-387-9380.
Within three or more business days prior to the day of an educational program, no cancellation charge will be assessed. Within two days prior, 50% of the fee is assessed. Refunds are not provided for cancellations the day before or absences on the day of the program. Substitutions are welcome at anytime.