Jun 2, 2025 to Jun 6, 2025
The purpose of the IBA Commercial Lending School is to prepare mid-level bankers and commercial loan officers to serve effectively and profitably by developing an understanding of your bank’s risk appetite, risk tolerance, risk culture and the risks assumed in the loan portfolio.
The faculty are top-notch banking veterans who will give you plenty of opportunity to ask questions, share concerns and learn from the best. You will receive an information-packed manual. Each module contains learning concepts and resource materials. You will share ideas, concerns and solutions with other participants from similar institutions. You will return to your bank as a valuable asset with a comprehensive and practical overview of banking. The school prepares you to tackle complex commercial lending situations and helps you boost your banking career.
Participants are expected to attend all sessions. Absences are excused only for illness, catastrophe or extenuating circumstances, based upon a written statement submitted to and approved by the IBA Board of Education.
Student performance will be measured using a combination of written exams, class participation & group presentations. Students who satisfactorily complete all requirements will receive a certificate of completion. Notification of completion or non-completion will be communicated to the nominating officer.
Students will register between 7:30 - 8:00 a.m., Monday, June 2, 2025. The school will begin with orientation at 8:00 a.m. Attendance for the orientation session is mandatory.
Requirements and Regulations:
Participants are expected to attend all sessions. Absences are excused only for illness, catastrophe or extenuating circumstances, based upon a written statement submitted to and approved by the IBA Board of Education.
The faculty for the IBA Commercial Lending School represents a wealth of lending experience and the ability to communicate this experience in an effective and enjoyable manner. Faculty members include academics, consultants and professionals who add their expertise to create a truly exceptional team. The faculty roster is deemed reliable but may be subject to change.
Mike Wasson - Retired Banker
Mike is a retired Banker with over 45 years experience in managing Community Banks. Mike has SeNed as the CEO of six Community Banks and as the Chairman of a Broker/ Dealer. Mike has been an Executive Officer in Banks with assets ranging from $13 million to $6 billion. Mike has extensive knowledge in Credit, Strategic Planning, Operations, Management Reviews, Commercial Lending and Problem Bank Workouts. Mike has served on the faculty of Bank Lending Schools and Bank Management Schools in Missouri, New Mexico, Iowa, Kentucky and the Graduate School of Banking in Colorado.
Ron Rushing - Rushing Consulting Group, LLC
Ron Rushing is the President of Rushing Consulting Group, LLC in Sparta, Missouri where he conducts credit training services and advises banks on credit risk management issues. He has served as a safety and soundness examiner, as a commercial loan officer for a large commercial bank, and as Chief Credit Officer for a regional bank in southwest Missouri. He is a frequent speaker for state banking associations, including Arkansas, on topics including credit risk management, cash flow/financial statement analysis and loan documentation. He is a longtime faculty member of this commercial lending school.
Who Should Attend?
Bankers who have not been exposed to formal commercial lending training and lenders who want to broaden their commercial lending knowledge will benefit from the school. Graduates will be better prepared to serve effectively and profitably as commercial loan officers. Students should have a solid foundation in the areas of accounting, financial statement analysis and economics. This understanding can be evidenced by AIB courses, college courses, in-house programs, self-study or experience. Students are expected to have had relevant banking experience prior to the school. This normally means a college degree and at least one year of experience or a high school diploma and five years of banking experience.
All applications and full registration fees must be received in the IBA office by May 20, 2025. The IBA Board of Education will consider applications, determine acceptability, and notify the applicant. Decisions of the board will be final.
$1,395 IBA Member
$2,790 Non-Member
Tuition includes all instruction, casebook, supplemental materials, continental breakfast, lunch and refreshment breaks each day. Dinner on Wednesday evening is also included.
Participation in IBA programs is limited to members, associate members and nonmembers from an eligible membership category at applicable member or non-member rates.
IBA Center for Professional Development
8425 Woodfield Crossing Blvd, Suite 155E
Indianapolis, IN 46240.
Students are responsible for securing their overnight rooms.
For additional information please contact:
Laurie Rees, Vice President, Education & Training
Any applicant who is not admitted to the school or withdraws from the school prior to May 20, 2025, will receive a full refund.
Any applicant canceling after May 20, 2025, or failing to appear at the school, will forfeit the entire registration fee.
Extenuating circumstances will be considered on an individual basis by the IBA Board of Education. Requests for refunds due to extenuating circumstances must be submitted in writing.