Commercial Lending School


Jun 2, 2025 to Jun 6, 2025

IBA Center for Professional Development
8425 Woodfield Crossing Blvd, Suite 155E
Indianapolis, IN 46240


The purpose of the IBA Commercial Lending School is to prepare mid-level bankers and commercial loan officers to serve effectively and profitably by developing an understanding of your bank’s risk appetite, risk tolerance, risk culture and the risks assumed in the loan portfolio.

The faculty are top-notch banking veterans who will give you plenty of opportunity to ask questions, share concerns and learn from the best. You will receive an information-packed manual. Each module contains learning concepts and resource materials. You will share ideas, concerns and solutions with other participants from similar institutions. You will return to your bank as a valuable asset with a comprehensive and practical overview of banking. The school prepares you to tackle complex commercial lending situations and helps you boost your banking career.

Participants are expected to attend all sessions. Absences are excused only for illness, catastrophe or extenuating circumstances, based upon a written statement submitted to and approved by the IBA Board of Education.

Student performance will be measured using a combination of written exams, class participation & group presentations. Students who satisfactorily complete all requirements will receive a certificate of completion. Notification of completion or non-completion will be communicated to the nominating officer.