Advertising Compliance


Aug 7, 2024

Advertising presents a unique challenge when it comes to regulatory compliance due to the fact that you often have to deal with many different regulations at one time. This webinar will walk you through all the requirements that could come into play.

Advertising compliance is often a challenge for many institutions. Marketing personnel aren’t always experts in the technical advertising requirements established within the various regulations. And those responsible for regulatory compliance are often excluded from the process until after an advertisement has been published.

The challenge doesn’t end with just the technical components of an advertisement. UDAAP is also a huge concern. You have to be aware of the differences of luring someone vs. deceiving them (UDAAP).

This webinar will help you learn what you can say, what you can’t say, when to say it, how to say it, etc. It will include information on the Final Rule regarding FDIC Signage and Advertisement of Membership which has a mandatory compliance date of January 1, 2025.