Fair Banking or Good Customer Service: Are They the Same?


Aug 8, 2024

Fair banking sits at the intersection of corporate governance, compliance, and socially responsible business/banking practices. It is becoming increasingly important. This session shows how to move your institution beyond fair lending and into fair banking.

Fair lending programs have been in place for decades. As the name suggests, they focus largely on an institution’s lending practices. Fair banking, on the other hand, is intended to hold everyone in the organization accountable for the treatment of customers, the institution’s role in the community, and prevent unethical sales practices.

Recent regulatory enforcement actions against Wells Fargo, US Bank, and Regions are key indicators for the importance of prioritizing fair banking practices in your institution. You’ll come away from this live-streaming webinar with the tools you need to incorporate, manage, and measure fair and responsible banking practices.

In addition to covering what fair banking is and why your FI needs to address it, we’ll also dive into how responsible and fair banking practices can help your institution:

  • Withstand regulatory scrutiny
  • Improve risk management processes
  • Enhance customer relationships
  • Strengthen your brand and reputation within your community