Income Opportunities: Near-prime Consumer Loan Takeout Programs


Jun 11, 2020

With many banks tightening lending criteria, many prime, near-prime, and non-prime bank customers remain underserved by their primary financial instructions which choose to not fund many of these loan applicants. Forward flow relationships under well-defined agreements with institutional investors of consumer assets can address this service gap and allow your bank to lend to more of your customers rather than letting them turn elsewhere for their borrowing needs, at the same time opening up new, contractually guaranteed income streams to your bank.

You have worked hard to gain a loyal customer base. Instead of denying many those customers’ loan applications, learn how you can approve them with an immediate, pre-defined takeout path through a purchase agreement with a second look investor. Your bank retains zero credit risk on loans sold to investors. You keep every loan you want and you also still retain 100% of the customer relationship on the loans that you sell.