Reg CC: Check Holds, Check 21, Remote Deposit Capture & Reg D


Jul 17, 2024

Live Webinar: 90 Minutes

But don’t let its ubiquity lead to complacency! From Check 21 to check holds to remote deposit capture, and more, you need to ensure that every transaction is handled right every time. Join this impactful webinar to get expert insight and hone your skills.

Check rules span a wide range of issues, including how holds can be applied, the length of holds depending on the type of deposit, special rules that apply to checks converted to image replacement documents, new account holds, and more. In addition to learning the proper hold timeframes and your institution’s other responsibilities regarding holds, notifications, and extensions, this jam-packed program will also touch on which deposits are exempt from the hold restrictions under Reg CC. Under Check 21, your institution has to comply with certain timing and notification requirements, particularly when an accountholder makes a claim regarding a substitute check.