FLD Focus Feature - September 2020

Three Keys to Great Leadership

Lisa Arnold
Lisa Arnold

If you are interested in growing as a leader, your choice of resources for learning is endless . . . almost overwhelming. Gather what you can from all of these (especially from the guidance of a good mentor), but sometimes keeping it simple is the key. Put the focus on your daily self and how you think, speak, and interact with the world. For me personally, I can’t overemphasize the importance of these three key things:

  1. Self-Awareness. Self-understanding is paramount to your effectiveness. Lots of great tools are available for diving into your own personality, motivations, and communication style (Predictive Index, Myers-Briggs, DISC, etc.). Not only will you better understand your blind spots, but self-awareness helps you better understand those you lead. If you enjoy reading, also seek out biographical accounts of leaders who share your traits and personality. You can learn a great deal about how they adapted and leveraged their skills and gifts.
  2. Consistency. As a leader, you are under a microscope. Others should see a strong level of consistency in all of your words and actions. Over time they should even be able predict how you will respond in specific situations. This will not only develop a model for them to follow but give witness to how your behavior supports and aligns with the values and mission of your bank. Very important to remember: this consistency applies to your life outside of work which will also serve as an example to your team.
  3. Authenticity. Your face to those you lead should be your true and honest one.  Don’t be afraid to show vulnerability and emotion, as well as admit your mistakes. Your team will respect you for it and feel more connected to you and the purpose and passions you promote as a leader.  


This Month's Guest Writer

Lisa Arnold
Home Bank, Martinsville
President / Chief Operating Officer