
Retail Banking Management Series
January 15, 2025; April 5, 2025; August 12, 2025; Nov. 12, 2025

Retail Management Series is a four-part, interactive, learning series designed to provide a complete overview of management and leadership principles for Retail Managers serving in all roles of the retail banking line of business for the bank.

Essentials of Banking
Jan. 23, 2025; Feb. 20, 2025; March 20, 2025; April 24, 2025; May 22, 2025; June 26, 2025

In association with Performance Solutions, Inc., Drexler Consulting, LLC is excited to again present one of our legacy programs, the Essentials of Banking, new and improved for 2025. Essentials of Banking is a Six-part, interactive, virtual learning series designed to provide a complete overview of banking principles and operations. Each session is 3 hours in length. Who should attend? New bank employees in all roles/departments and bank directors new to banking, management trainees, and bank veterans who are looking to broaden their banking knowledge.

Graduate School of Banking Digital Banking School - March 3, 2025 (Virtual)
The demand for digital banking services has grown exponentially. Thats why GSB offers its popular Digital Banking School to help the community banks understand how to grow and thrive in the digital banking space. With eight in-depth classes held twice weekly for a month, this program brings in content experts from every banking function- technology, compliance, human resources, risk management, marketing and more- offering 25 hours of relevant content.

IRA Basics - February 19, 2025
Join us for the IRA Basics course for a full-circle overview of IRAs and the associated rules. This course is perfect for those new to IRAs, and a helpful refresher and update for those needing to “unlearn” some old rules because of the many recent changes. IRA Basics is part of a 2-day series, with day one covering the basics and day two covering advanced issues. During day one, we’ll provide you with a solid foundation of the basic IRA rules, both old (if still applicable) and new.

Advanced IRA Issues - February 20, 2025
The second of two IRA offerings, this session will get into the nitty gritty of the new distribution regulations, exploring—in depth—how these new rules affect both IRA owners and IRA beneficiaries. After thoroughly dissecting the new rules and their impact on IRA owners and beneficiaries, we’ll discuss concrete steps your financial organization can take to help ensure ongoing compliance, while also providing top-notch customer service.

Senior Retail Banking Forum - January 16, 2025; May 15, 2025; September 11, 2025
This Senior Retail Banking Forum will provide a platform and opportunity for Retail Banking Officers to exchange ideas freely, examine pressing issues in today’s ever-evolving regulatory, cost-conscience and productivity-driven environment. This program where individuals who are responsible for retail banking issues in their institutions have the opportunity to discuss and explore collaborative solutions to challenges they face on a day-to-day basis. The agenda for each session will flow based on feedback from participants in the forum group. As necessary, subject matter experts will be brought in to cover specific issues and topics based on responses from the forum members.

General Banking School (co-sponsored with the Kentucky Bankers Association) June 2 - 5, 2025
The Kentucky Bankers Association’s (KBA) General Banking School is designed for employees who possess a current knowledge of banking that sufficiently prepares them for this advanced paced curriculum. The mission of this school is to teach bankers to understand the business of managing a bank company, the financial decisions that must be made, how each bank department is inter-related and the economic environment of the business of banking. The KBA General Banking School will prepare bankers for any of the national graduate schools of banking.

Outside Calling School
February 6 & February 13, 2025

The 2-lesson Outside Calling School will deliver the most up-to-date selling techniques to help you and your company deliver loan and deposit results. You will go through the selling process to identify how to gain the trust of your client, gain a larger share of wallet, and sell what your client truly needs. We will also address how to effectively manage the pricing discussion, how to overcome objections, and how research and profiling the client/ prospect will improve targeting, prospecting and presentations.