Bank Directors Programs

MEGA Conference - May 27 - 29, 2025
Established in 1992, the Mega Conference has evolved into one of the premier gatherings among state bankers’ associations nationwide. As our flagship educational event, it features dynamic keynote speakers, over 48 engaging concurrent sessions, a lively exhibit hall, and a variety of optional social activities.

Annual Convention - September 7 - 9, 2025
The Convention serves as the annual meeting of the Association and combines education with social and networking events to bring together members in a relaxed atmosphere.

FDIC Directors College 2026
This program will be offered by the IBA and is ideal for executives and board members alike. Watch for agenda details.

The Directors Education Series -- virtual training provided by OnCourse Learning
This library of courses focuses on the role and expectations of the Bank Director’s conduct, duties, and liabilities. These programs have been authored by a group of highly recognized, respected industry experts. A subscription to the series assists with the responsibility to educate those who sever on the Board. One annual subscription provides a financial institution access to the entire course library with a new course published each month.

Economic Outlook Luncheon - December 12, 2025
The Economic Outlook Luncheon showcases economic experts who will share valuable information about both current events and the future of the region’s economy. It also provides business leaders an opportunity to network with peers.

CEOs, presidents, CFOs, directors and other members of senior management would benefit from this program. Additionally, IBA members are encouraged to invite small business customers, who would benefit from the high-level networking and a look at the year ahead.