Community Bankers for Compliance Program


Feb 13, 2024

See below for location detail
Indianapolis & Virtual, IN

Click Here for a PDF Brochure

Indiana Bankers Association (IBA) is pleased to sponsor the annual Community Bankers for Compliance Program (CBC). The CBC Program is the most successful and longest running compliance training program in the country. The CBC Program will provide your bank with up-to-date information on the ever-changing bank regulations, as well as guidance for structuring and maintaining your in-bank compliance program. In addition, it provides a forum where those responsible for regulatory compliance can discuss issues and exchange ideas with other community bankers.

Participant Interaction
The CBC Program is designed to assist members in getting timely answers to their questions as well as testing techniques before implementation in the bank. The program provides a forum where each bank can be an active participant by asking questions and bringing concerns and compliance techniques for review by the group. This peer evaluation and two-way flow of information increases understanding and improves the bank’s effort toward a viable compliance program.

Practical Solutions
Most community banks do not have the time or money to build elaborate compliance systems, but there is a solution. The CBC Program will provide practical, user-friendly compliance techniques and explain how they can be related to all areas of compliance. For example, setting up compliance files, developing training programs, responding to the examinations, and resolving disputes are among the areas that are reviewed.